Using multinode mode


The multinodes mode add the capability to setup more than one catalog using the same web application. By default, only one node is available. The node named is “srv”. Each nodes have their own:

  • data directory (index, files)
  • database

The main data directory contains one data folder per node.

This simplify catalog updates for users maintaining a set of catalogs. It also save resources by sharing some part of the application eg. all catalogs share the same schemas and thesaurus (to save memory).

User can only login in one node at a time in the same browser (only one session allowed). When identified, if user tries to switch to another node, the catalog propose:

  • to log out and continue to the requested node
  • to return to previous node

Installations running 200 nodes / servers have been setup. Such configuration require to increase JVM memory configuration (~4Go for Xmx parameter).


Trusted hosts

In WEB-INF/web.xml, add the list of hosts name or IP used to access the catalog in the trustedHost parameter for the following filter:



If you change the hosts name or IP used to access a catalog node in the Web Server or the Java Container, you must update the value in the trustedHost parameter also.

Registering new node manually

Registering a new node is a 2 steps process. First declare the new node in WEB-INF/web.xml in order to declare the URL mapping:


Then define the node configuration in WEB-INF/config-node/{{node_id}}.xml. The configuration defines:

  • the node identifier (and if the node is the default one)
  • the db connection to use

Only one default node is allowed.

For example, to configure a node named geosource-8 using a postgres database use the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans default-lazy-init="true"

    <import resource="classpath*:/config-spring-geonetwork.xml"/>
    <import resource="../config-db/database_migration.xml"/>

    <context:property-override properties-ref="geosource-8-configuration-overrides" />

    <bean id="nodeInfo" class="org.fao.geonet.NodeInfo">
        <property name="id" value="geosource-8" />
        <property name="defaultNode" value="false" />

    <bean id="geosource-8-configuration-overrides"
        <property name="properties">
                <prop key="jdbcDataSource.username">www-data</prop>
                <prop key="jdbcDataSource.password">www-data</prop>
                <prop key="jdbcDataSource.maxActive">2</prop>
                <prop key="jdbcDataSource.maxIdle">2</prop>
                <prop key="jdbcDataSource.initialSize">2</prop>
                <prop key="jdbcDataSource.Url">jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/db_8</prop>

    <import resource="../config-db/postgres.xml"/>

Styling the node

A custom styling could be defined for each node. Add a new css file in catalog/style folder. The file name should be like this (replace NODENAME with the proper value): NODENAME_custom_style.css

Creating a node using utility script

In WEB-INF/node-utils, the script helps adding new node eg. to add a node with id geosource-1044, in the host connecting to postgres database db_1044 with a pool size of 2 connections, use:

./ www-data www-data \
              geosource-1044 \
              jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/db_1044 \
              postgres 2

The script does the following tasks:

  • Adds to WEB-INF/web.xml the servlet-mapping and updates the trustedHost element for the new node.
  • Creates the node configuration in WEB-INF/config-node/{{node_id}}.xml.
  • Creates CSS style file for the node in the catalog/style folder.